Grades 1 & 2: Hanuman The Super Superman
Jan 05, 2025 - Jun 01, 2025
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM CST
- Sunday
$200.00 per family
6506 W Hausman Rd, San Antonio, TX 78249, USA
San Antonio, TX 78249
Chinmaya Mission San Antonio
The curriculum covers the virtues of Hanumanji such as unwavering devotion, strength, wisdom, and intelligence. The children will learn how these qualities will serve as essential building blocks for their emotional, social, and moral development, helping
them become well-rounded individuals. The curriculum also teaches the Hanuman Chalisa and its meaning. This sacred and powerful hymn dedicated to Lord Hanuman imparts several valuable lessons to children. Through the stories and teachings contained in the Hanuman Chalisa, children will develop a deeper understanding of the importance of being humble in victory, gracious in defeat, and grateful for the blessings they receive in life.
Additional Information:
- Please add all programs you might be interested in registering for in a single cart. This will ensure that the family discount is applied correctly.
- Each participating family will pay a donation amount of $365 as the payment towards the 2023-24 session.
- This donation of full CMSA membership automatically allows your family to take advantage of all classes/programs offered by CMSA such as Piano, Geeta Chanting, Samskrtam, Mrudangam, and many more.
Entering 1st or 2nd grade in Fall 2023
09:30 AM - 11:00 AM CST
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