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  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grade Pre-K Gods/Goddesses, Festivals
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Learn about the different Hindu deities through mythological stories, Shlokas, games, songs, arts&crafts and festival celebrations.
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Simple values and discipline through the English Alphabet. The Chinmaya Mission Pledge and the meaning, message and values it imparts.
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Narrate the immortal story of Ramayana and inspire children through stories of Lord Rama, Mother Sita and Sri Hanuman.
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Inspire children to act with fearlessness, humility, conviction and faith as did Sri HanumanJi. Instill the eight virtues (ashta-siddhi) of Lord Hanuman that make Him a Super SuperMan!
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Kindle devotion and faith in young minds through age-appropriate stories from the Srimad Bhagavatam. The curriculum focuses on episodes from the first nine cantos of Bhagavatam and cover the Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Vamana and Narasimha Avataras of Bhagavan Vishnu and related stories
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grade 4 Krishna Krishna Everywhere (GR4)
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Nature is one of our greatest teachers: illustrate that anyone or anything in Nature can be our teacher if only we have humility and the proper attitude to recognize them.
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grade 5 Symbolism in Hinduism
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Spark curiosity and understanding of Hindu Culture through interactive discussions, reflection, understanding and application of the concepts shared in the class. Topics include Symbolism of deities and basic concepts in vedanta such as four goals of life (purusharthas), the six virtues (shad sampati), the three qualities of the mind (gunas) and the four stages of life (ashramas).
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grade 6 India the Sacred Land + Saints of India & Life of Swami Chinmayananda
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    The goal of this curriculum is to inspire a healthy reverence and understanding of why India is referred to as a sacred land, her glorious heritage and the goal of human  life as revealed by our Scriptures and lived by our saints. Children will gain clarity through the lives and spiritual journeys  of selected saints of India and Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda.
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grade 7 Key to Success (Vibhishana Gita) + P.O. Box Mr. God (Ram Charit Manas)
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Based on Goswami TulsidasJi's Ramacharitamanas, the goal of this curriculum is  to make children aware that our capacity for knowledge depends on the caliber of our mind and intellect - and therefore, it is critical to quieten the mind and sharpen the intellect to be happy and succesful. And the way to do this is by assimilating the values described in the chaupais of the Ramacharitamanas - whereby we all can become an "address" of God.
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grade 8 Yato Dharmah Tatoh Jayah + Mahabharata Characters, Gita for Me
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Yato Dharmah Tato Jayah - Where there's Dharma, there's Victory. Victory is achieved by avoiding sins and performing right actions. Lessons from the Mahabharata serve as a foundation for teaching the concepts of Karma and Dharma. Morals are taught through provocative questions/answers of Yaksha Prasna. The practical application of dharmic concepts to one's own life are discussed in every lesson. 
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grades 9 & 10 Storm to Perform + Life Management Techniques
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Based on books of the same name by Pujya Swami SwaroopanandaJi, this thought-provoking curriculum aims at equipping youth with the Vedantic tools that help perceive challenges as meaningful opportunities for inner growth and transformation. Managing your inner life i.e. the mind through sound Vedantic principles is the key to succesfully managing external challenges, situations and relationships. 
  • 18 Aug, 2024
    2024-25 BV Session 2 - Grades 11 & 12 Self-Unfoldment + Say Cheese
    11:30 AM - 01:00 PM CST
    Chinmaya Mission Austin
    CM Austin - Bala Vihar Session 2
    12825 Burnet Rd
    Austin, TX, 78727
    $750.00 per family

    Self Unfoldment by Pujya Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda is a text that helps the seeker to develop a strong foundation in the most basic concepts in Vedanta. Discussions and interactive activities ensure these concepts remain embedded in the experience of the student. With this foundation, the student is well prepared to study Prakarana Granthas, Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita. 
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