Hiranya Shraddham

  • Hiranya Shraddham (At Chinmaya Mission Austin)): $101.00

  • Hiranya Shraddham (At Home): $151.00

$101.00 - $151.00


-Please make payment AFTER inquiry has been approved.

-Inquiries can be made here: https://forms.gle/TRPmwV1bjNYss14H7

-If the puja is conducted at your home it will be your responsibility to pick-up and drop-off the priest in a timely manner. Please be prompt as our priests have other commitments. Any delays to their activities will be an extra charge.  

-A separate payment for the priest dakshina is optional and can be offered to the priest after the services.

-The current donation payment to the temple is non-refundable.

Email temple@chinmayaaustin with any questions.